Sunday, November 15, 2009

this just a test

testing connection with twitter :D

Thursday, November 12, 2009

New forum in

Hi all..update for today :)

I just added a forum in, only have 3 main topics at the moment.

If you any idea to add more main topic to suit local taste, please drop me message.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

To tweet or not to tweet

Hi, update for today.

Now you have an option to tweet directly to users when you write a message on their profile page.

If you don't want the message goes to the user twitter account, just untick the tweet option box.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What's 'score' and 'popularity' means in

hi all..what a hot day today!


Score system in works 2 way, when you ping your latest blog it will also push your blog title with a link to your twitter account.

From there, if you have many followers, they might click on that link and lead to your blog, for every score 1. So if suddenly your score for one particular post is 10, that means you just had 10 visits to your blog entry.

Also in web when people click your blog link, you score another 1. There's another 3 share button, Twitter, Facebook and Stumbleupon..whenever another user tweet your blog, share in Facebook or stumble it to Stumbleupon, you score 3 for each action.


Popularity is the counting of unique access to your profile for some period of time.

As shown above, from the left is the most popular profile in last 24hours. It changes whenever new counting take effect.


For image shown above, from the top it shows most popular blog post in last 12hours, but still with it individual score, so please dont get confuse there :).


When you click the 'SCORE' button, a new window slides down and you can see last visitor to your blog post. If there is no image, means its outside visitor..not a member of
We will change it later for better view, does not look good like right :).

Thank you for testing and using the site, do let your friends know about too.
Till then..G'day :)

So what to do after you sign-in to

1st...if it's your first time, submit your blog URL.

once successfully submitted, you will see your blog URL and feed as above.

2nd...PING your blog, and dont forget to ping everytime you come to

Monday, November 9, 2009, alpha stage

Hi and welcome to

Twitter is gaining a lot of popularity lately and twitter apps is poping up everywhere. So we are taking this opportunity to mix twitter with blog posting and the result, A social blog pinger for Australian bloggers.

With, everytime you ping your blog, it automatically tweet your latest blog title with a link to your blog to

From there we count how many click and visit you get to your blog and calculate the score for that link. The higher the score, the popular the link is.

We still developing the site and feedback are very much appreciated, thanks.